4 Tips to Improve Higher-Order Questioning in the High School Business Classroom

Questioning is a powerful tool that can shape the learning experience and foster critical thinking skills among students. Questioning can be used to assess student mastery and aid in-the-moment teaching. Questioning can help engage students, assess mastery, and enhance learning. 1. Pre-Plan Questions While spontaneity has its place in the classroom, strategic pre-planning of questionsContinue reading “4 Tips to Improve Higher-Order Questioning in the High School Business Classroom”

How to Teach Career Exploration in the High School Business Classroom

When I was 18, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. After a few college major switches and a career change…or two, I would have never imagined where I’d end up. While this is part of growing up for a lot of us, it is increasingly vital that we striveContinue reading “How to Teach Career Exploration in the High School Business Classroom”

The Ultimate Guide to Developing Workplace Skills in the Classroom

As a business teacher, one of the key objectives is to prepare students for the workplace. While covering key concepts is essential, it is equally important to teach the soft skills students need to be successful in the future. To develop workplace skills I recommend directly teaching the skill, applying the skill, and practicing theContinue reading “The Ultimate Guide to Developing Workplace Skills in the Classroom”

Why You Should Stop Performing and Start Facilitating

Do you feel pressure to perform? Like you need to shoot fireworks out of your fingertips to entertain your students? Do you dread those long presentations where you spend the class period talking and you’re even boring yourself? It’s time you stop performing and start facilitating. We’ve all had teachers who seemed to be moreContinue reading “Why You Should Stop Performing and Start Facilitating”

How to Use Stations in Your High School Business Classroom

Are you looking for a way to mix things up in your classroom? Something that would allow you to get students up and out of their seats while maintaining course rigor? Stations are an interactive teaching strategy that can transform a boring class into a collaborative learning experience. Stations can help engage your students andContinue reading “How to Use Stations in Your High School Business Classroom”