Why You Should be Using Current Events in Your Business Classroom

Incorporating article reviews on business-related current events can breathe new life into your lessons while providing an array of benefits for both you and your students. Let’s explore why you should embrace this teaching tool and some tips for implementation.

πŸ’¬ Promotes Lively Discussions and Debates

Article reviews are like a catalyst for sparking engaging discussions in the classroom. πŸ—£οΈ With up-to-date news on business trends, entrepreneurship, marketing strategies, and financial insights, students can dive headfirst into meaningful conversations. Embrace the buzz as your students share their opinions, challenge viewpoints, and brainstorm creative solutions to real-world business challenges. πŸ’‘πŸ’¬

🌐 Relates Course Content to the Real World

As educators, we strive to bridge the gap between course content and real-world application. 🎯 Article reviews act as a powerful tool, enabling students to witness the principles they learn in the classroom come alive in the fast-paced business world. Business current events can help answer that common question, “Why do I need to know this?”. From analyzing market shifts to evaluating successful business practices, students will see how textbook concepts manifest in everyday situations. 🌟🌐

Click here for more ways to make you lessons real-world applicable.

πŸ“ Easy to Implement, Less Prep Work

There are serious time constraints that come with being a high school teacher. That’s why article reviews are a game-changer. ✨ They are a breeze to implement, requiring minimal prep work on your part. With article reviews, you can focus more on facilitating learning and less on crafting lengthy lesson plans. πŸ“šπŸ’Ό

πŸ’‘ Fosters Critical Thinking and Analysis

As future business leaders, our students need to develop strong critical thinking skills. πŸ’­ Article reviews can challenge them to think critically, evaluate information, and identify underlying implications. They’ll learn to decipher complex business scenarios, recognize cause-and-effect relationships, and consider the broader impact of business decisions. πŸ’ΌπŸ”

πŸ“– Empowers Lifelong Learning

Beyond the classroom, article reviews instill a love for continuous learning. πŸ“–πŸ’ͺ When students discover the excitement of the ever-changing business landscape, they may be inspired to seek knowledge independently. This habit of staying updated will help them excel in future careers and personal growth. πŸŒ±πŸš€

πŸ”— Offers Cross-Curricular Opportunities

Embrace the versatility of article reviews! πŸŒπŸ’Ό This engaging teaching tool can effortlessly integrate with other subjects like science or social studies. As students read articles about businesses they may experience interdisciplinary learning and make connections with other courses as well. πŸ€πŸ“š

🀝 Encourages Peer Collaboration

Article reviews thrive on peer-to-peer collaboration. πŸ‘«πŸ’‘ Encourage students to work in groups, analyze news articles together, share their findings aloud, or brainstorm creative solutions. A collaborative learning experience fosters teamwork and exposes students to diverse perspectives. πŸ§ πŸ’Ό

πŸ–ŠοΈOptions for Implementation

There is no wrong way to integrate article reviews into your lessons. Here’s a few ideas to get you started:

  • Curate a selection of business-related current events for students to choose from.
  • Assign a topic for students to locate their own article on. For example, you might tell students to research student loans, sales promotions, or trends in entrepreneurship.
  • Have students select an article from a site or publication on a given date.

Article reviews can be used weekly, when you have a sub, when there’s extra time in a lesson, your not ready to move on to another unit, or to highlight the real-world applications for a particular topic.

If you’d like to make article reviews a weekly part of your lessons, check out the publication Morning Brew. To integrate into your class, have students subscribe and complete an article review on one article each week.

Article reviews can be as simple as write 3 things you learned from the article, 3 things you found interesting, or a more formal assignment.

Want a worksheet you can tuck in your back pocket?

>>>Download the FREE Article Review Form for Business Current Events<<<

βœ…How to Assess Student Work

When it comes to assessing article reviews, my favorite option is through verbally sharing with the class. I like to pick a particular aspect such as share the key points, your insights, or what you thought about the article and have students take turns telling the class about their article. This strategy builds communication skills, promotes discussions, and allows students to learn from their peers.

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