3 Ice Breakers for High School Business that Don’t Suck

Que the groan…. icebreakers. Cheesy icebreakers are sure to have students rolling their eyes as you attempt to create hype over an activity they have no interest in. Throw out the old activities and try one of these ideas instead.

Logo Recall

You may have seen this activity shared in Facebook groups, but have you tried this as an icebreaker? Provide students with paper and coloring supplies (I’ve even done this one with individual dry erase boards, so use what you’ve got). Name a popular business and tell students to draw the company’s logo from memory….no cheating! When they’ve had time to complete the task, share the company’s logo with your projector. Students will be laughing about how close…. or far away their design is from the original. Repeat. If you want to cover more on logos in your class check out the Food Truck Design, Logo, Slogan, and Menu Project.

One Has to Go

This icebreaker requires a little more prep. For this activity provide students an image or list of 3 (or 4) similar products. Next, have them argue for the one they could live without. For example, if the category was fast food restaurants, options could include Chick-fil-A, McDonald’s, Taco Bell, and Wendy’s. Get ready for a rambunctious class!

Would You Rather

I like to get students up and moving for this activity. Select two options and have students move to the side of the room that they most associate with. For example, move to the right side of the room if you’d rather be forced to sing a song for the class or move to the left side of the room if you’d rather be forced to dance to a song for the class. A simple Internet search yields endless lists of would you rather content. Click here for more ways to get students moving in the class.

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